Reading l Part.2

Another thing my class and I had to do for reading was a play called the name game, It was a pretty cool reading task because it wasn’t reading and answering questions instead it was doing a play. We had to be in teams of 6, 5 students and 1 teacher. In my group there was Jorja, Payton, Sia, Kayla, Helena, Ja Tsing (me), and Vayun. we had 7 people because one didn’t come school one day so she choose to join my group.

Reading l Part.1

In reading my class and I ‘had to read this book called “Mirror Image” we were given a vocabulary four square to do but this time it was different. My Teacher usually gives us a words to find the definition, and synonym or antonym, plus two other, but this time we had to find our own words. I found it a bit challenge though because I have never done that before but i managed at the end.


I’ve learned how to mirror a shape in math by looking at the image and figuring out how to make it seem the same as it did in the original.

Places on my map

Today 10/10/23 in Manakalani my class and I had to create a my map and one of the task was to see the distant between Kedgley Intermediate (my school) and our buddy class Rutherford Junior High. Both of the schools are actually really far from each other, I was surprised to learn that Ruthorford Junior High is actually pretty far from Kedgley Intermiedate. Their school is located in Whanganui well my school is located in Auckland.